Cassel, Mischle Sindbad (Hebrew, with translation into German) (1888)

From Seven Sages of Rome

Modern Edition
Editor name Paulus Cassel
Title of chapter / article
Subtitle of chapter / article
Title of book / journal Mischle Sindbad, Secundus Syntipas
Subtitle of book / journal edirt, emendirt und erklärt: Einleitung und Deutung des Buches der Sieben weisen Meister,
Volume and issue of journal
Editor of the collection name
Number of volumes
Place of publication Berlin, Germany
Publisher Verlag des Bibliographischen Bureaus
Date of publication 1888 (reprint 1891)
Page range
General Notes (Internal)


Epstein (1967) explains the value and errors in Cassel's edition at length. Cassel uses the Venice: 1544 print version as his base text, and 'copies its errors and is forced to amend them in his notes' (Epstein 368). This results in a fialure to 'establish a reliable text'. Cassel apparently consulted the two Leipzig manuscripts (Leipzig Universitätsbibliothek B. H. 27 and Leipzig Universitätsbibliothek B. H. 34) but dismissed their use because of Wagenseil's edits and alterations; he additionally used British Library Harley 5449 and Jewish Theological Seminary MS 4879 (Steinschneider 33).

Cassel, Mischle Sindbad (Hebrew, with translation into German) (1888) is a Modern Edition of the following manuscripts

 LanguageSiglum (Version)Language Group within Version
British Library Harley 5449Mishle SendebarHebrew Mishle Sendebar
New York Jewish Theological Seminary of America MS 4879 (Steinschneider 33)AramaicMishle SendebarHebrew Mishle Sendebar