Catalogue of books (1908)

From Seven Sages of Rome

Modern Research Literature
Author Name
Title of chapter / article
Subtitle of chapter / article
Title of book / journal Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum
Subtitle of book / journal
Volume and issue of journal 1
Editor name
Series Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum
Number of volumes 12
Place of publication London
Date of publication 1908
Page range
Digitisation (link)
Notes on modern publication (internal)

Notes on modern publication

In his bibliography, Roth presents the whole 12 parts as one source, so there is the publication date reference 1908ff (see Roth, Detlef: >Historia Septem Sapientum<: Überlieferung und textgeschichtliche Edition. Band II: Edition der Redaktionen III und IV und Anhang. Niemeyer, Tübingen 2004. p. 723). The reference in the manuscript database will always be according to what Roth references in his notes on the specific manuscript.

Catalogue of books (1908) refers to the the following manuscripts

No manuscripts found