Kunkel (2023)

From Seven Sages of Rome

Modern Research Literature
Author Name Nico Kunkel
Title of chapter / article
Subtitle of chapter / article
Title of book / journal Modulares Erzählen
Subtitle of book / journal Serialität und Mouvance in der Erzähltradition der„Sieben weisen Meister“
Volume and issue of journal
Editor name Fotis Jannidis, Matías Martínez, John Pier, Wolf Schmid
Series Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory 83
Number of volumes
Place of publication Berlin, Boston
Publisher DeGruyter
Date of publication 2023
Page range
Digitisation (link) https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110986525-fm
Notes on modern publication (internal)

Kunkel (2023) refers to the the following manuscripts

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