Browse data: Version

From Seven Sages of Rome

1. Selected Filters

Version > Language of text: Arabic &Modern research literature : ARLIMA: Les sept sages or Epstein (1959)

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2. Available Filters

(There are no values for this filter)
Branch of the tradition:
(There are no values for this filter)
Adapted from:
(There are no values for this filter)
Adapted into:
(There are no values for this filter)
Original language of version:
(There are no values for this filter)
Translated into:
(There are no values for this filter)
Place of composition:
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Date of composition:
(There are no values for this filter)
Language of text: (Click arrow to add another value)
Regional or specific language of manuscript:
(There are no values for this filter)

3. Filtered Results