Hilka (1913)

From Seven Sages of Rome

Modern Research Literature
Author Name Alfons Hilka
Title of chapter / article Einleitung
Subtitle of chapter / article
Title of book / journal Johannes de Alta Silva: Dolopathos sive De rege et septem sapientibus
Subtitle of book / journal
Volume and issue of journal
Editor name
Series Sammlung mittellateinischer Texte 5
Number of volumes
Place of publication Heidelberg
Date of publication 1913
Page range VII-XIV
Digitisation (link) https://archive.org/details/historiaseptemsa00dolo/page/n9/mode/2up
Notes on modern publication (internal)

Hilka (1913) refers to the the following manuscripts

 LanguageSiglum (Version)Language Group within Version
Luxembourg Bibliothèque Nationale Ms. 110Dolopathos