Historia septem sapientum Romae. Antwerpen: Gerard Leeu, 6th November 1490

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number LatPrint6
Page/Folio range 1a-55b
Total number of pages 56
Standardised title of narrative
Incipit or textual title Historia de Calumnia nouercali / Prefatio. / COmposita pridem calumnie nouercalis historia que septem / sapientum dicitur. pulchro quidem argumento pulchris etiam ac memoratu dignis tractata exemplis in vtramque par / tem/ et defensionis et condemnationis siue vera siue ficta ...
Siglum of the version of the Seven Sages H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version Latin Version H
Translated/adapted from (Version/text)
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Print 6
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Roth (2004)
Version number
Name of printer Gerard Leeu
Name of author
Place of printing Antwerpen, Belgium
Date of Printing 1490/11/06
Source of date printing
Material Paper
Language of print Latin
Regional or specific language of print
Source for regional or specific language of print
Prose or verse Prose
Other texts in the manuscript
Illustrations Yes
Modern research literature Roth (2004)Hain (1826-1838)Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (1993)Bibliothèque Nationale (1985)Bohonos / Szandorowska (1970)Borm (1990)Botermans (1898)Campbell (1874)Catalogue of books (1962)Incunabula in Dutch librariesKlebs (1938)Kronenberg (1917)Madsen (1935)Moldenhauer (1923b)Oates (1954)Piekarskiego / Kawecka-Gryczowa (1956)Polain (1932)Polain (1970)Rest (1924)Sinker (1876)Keller (1836)
Catalogue (GW 12854)
General Notes (Internal) started (but not yet completed) by Elisabeth Böttcher

No embedded stories

Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek202.19 Quodl. (4)Bound as the 4th piece together with 1. Cordiale quattuor novissimorum; 2. Johannes Mandeville: Itinerarius; 3. Johannes de Hese: Itinerarius per diversas mundi partes; 5. Theodulus: Ecloga; 8. Heinrich Fischer: Cithara sophialis; 10. Petrus Kess: De appositione nugatoria, ex dictis Aegidii Romani
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek4° Inc. c.a. 756In the margin of fol. 8b, at the part where Dyoclecianus writes a note to the Empress, a 15th/16th century hand has added a short passage from a manuscript or another incunabulum.
Bruxelles, Bibliothèque RoyaleA 1435
Hamburg, Staats- und UniversitätsbibliothekAC VI, 227transferred
Den Haag, Koninklijke BibliotheekI 196
London, British LibraryIA. 49825fol. b2 & 5, g3 & 4 are missing
Wien, Österreichische NationalbibliothekIX.H.16
København, Det Kongelige BibliotekN/A
Deventer, Stads- of AthenaeumbibliotheekN/ABound as the 4th piece together with 1. Plutarchi epitome (1501); 2. Vita M. Catonis, Sextus Aurelius, de vitis Caesarum etc. (1505); 3. [Georgius de Hungaria:] De ritu et moribus Turcorum
Stonyhurst, College LibraryN/A
Manchester, John Rylands University LibraryN/A
Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und UniversitätsbibliothekN/A
Cambridge, Trinity College LibraryN/A
Oxford, Bodleian LibraryN/AOne copy is defective, the other one has the missing i and k from the Cambridge, University Library copy
Cambridge, University LibraryN/Ai and k are missing and are now in Oxford
Wernigerode, Fürstlich Stolberg-Wernigerödische BibliothekUnknown Whereaboutsincomplete
Dresden, Sächsische LandesbibliothekWar Loss
Wrocław, Biblioteka Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich PANXV. 127 adl.i and k are missing
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceY². 522

Format: a-h⁶, i, k⁴, 4° According to Roth (2004, p. 105), the text heavily deviates from the "Historia"-Version but is based on it, and has been rewritten for Gerard Leeu. Depending on who is telling the stories, they are either called hortatio (for the Empress) or defensio (for the Seven Sages). Contains 23 xylographs. Link to catalogue entry: https://www.gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/GW12854.htm#GW12854 Source for copies: Roth 2004, p. 105