Historia septem sapientum Romae. [Lyon: Guillaume Balsarin, 1487-1490]

From Seven Sages of Rome
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Reference Number LatPrint5
Page/Folio range 1a-37b
Total number of pages 38
Standardised title of narrative
Incipit or textual title In hoc opusculo sunt subtilitates / septem sapientum rome valde pervtiles / Incipit hystoria septem sapientum rome. / [P]Oncianus regnauit in vrbe roma prudens valde qui / accepit vxorem filiam regis pulchram ac pre omnibus / graciosam quam multum dilexit que ab eo concepit et / pulcherimum filium genuit cui nomen dioclecianus im= / posuit ...
Siglum of the version of the Seven Sages H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version
Translated/adapted from (Version/text)
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Print 5.
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Roth (2004)
Version number
Name of printer Guillaume Balsarin
Name of author
Place of printing Lyon, France
Date of Printing 1487/1490
Source of date printing
Material Paper
Language of print Latin
Regional or specific language of print
Source for regional or specific language of print
Prose or verse Prose
Other texts in the manuscript
Illustrations No
Modern research literature Roth (2004)Copinger (1895-1902)Campbell (1874)Castan (1893)Catalogue of books (1949)Craviotto (1990)Goff (1973)Hillard (1989)Incunabula in Dutch librariesKlebs (1938)Moldenhauer (1923b)Polain (1970)Proctor (1898)Rest (1924)
Catalogue (GW 12851)
General Notes (Internal) started (but not yet completed) by Elisabeth Böttcher

No embedded stories

London, British LibraryIA. 41777
Paris, Bibliothèque MazarineInc 588 9e9th piece of the same book as the Bibliothèque Mazarine print of Historia septem sapientum Romae. Köln: Printer of pseudo-Augustinus, De fide (Johann Schilling), 1473
Besançon, Bibliothèque municipaleN/Afol. d3 is missing, from e only fol. 2 survived
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceN/A
Cleveland (Ohio), Cleveland Public LibraryN/A
Utrecht, UniversiteitsbibliotheekN/A
Evora, Biblioteca publicaN/A
Williamstown (Mass.), Chapin Library, Williams CollegeN/A
Palma de Mallorca, Biblioteca pública (Bibl. provincial)N/A
Barcelona, Biblioteca de CatalunyaN/A