Cincinnati Hebrew Union College Library Ms. 2187

From Seven Sages of Rome
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Reference Number Heb31
Location Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College Library
Siglum/Shelfmark Ms. 2187
Page/Folio range
Standardised title of narrative משלי סנדבר (Mishle Sendebar)
Incipit or textual title Tafsir Sandabar, תפסיר משלי סנדבר ורד לשון שיר מי
Version (siglum) Mishle Sendebar
Language Group within Version Hebrew Mishle Sendebar
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2)
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition
Place of Manuscript Production
Date of Manuscript Production
Source of date Manuscript Production
Language of Manuscript PersianHebrew
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Prose or Verse
Other texts in the Manuscript

(1) Piyyutim by Israel Najjara

  • (a) "לך תכלה עיני יי אוהבים: ומשותוקק" (To You, O Lord, my eyes long, and I yearn). Cf. 2109:7d.
  • (b) "מי יתן אהבתני: אתה בכור בכור שנשתי" (Who will give me Your love: You, the Firstborn, whom I drank deeply). ZL, p. 241.
  • (c) "ירוחק נדוד דור ונעמק: ואני בלתו" (A generation wanders afar and is deepened; I am without Him). ZL, p. 242.
  • (d) "זה אמת חלשים הן על גיבור" (This is truth: the weak fall to the strong). ZL, p. 263; Bacher, p. 547, no. 13.
  • (e) "ישראל יושע בה': עלה קול אמוני" (Israel is saved in the Lord: a voice of faith ascends). Cf. 2109:6a.
  • (f) "זה ליוב אודה לשמך כי" (I will give thanks to Your Name for this). Bacher, p. 528, no. 12; ZL, p. 152.
  • (g) "אזכיר דברי וצפוני דברי" (I will recall my words and the secret of my speech). ZL, p. 181.
  • (h) "אמרתי אלה כל הרצויים" (I said these are all the desired ones). ZL, p. 5.
  • (i) "הבירבון תני" (Havivron [possibly symbolic]). Bacher, p. 547, no. 11.
  • (j) "אמר ירחיב דרור דורי ישראל" (It was said: He will widen the freedom of the generations of Israel). Cf. 2109:3a.
  • (k) "מוציא שביש דרור דורי" (He brings forth liberty for the generation of generations). ZL, p. 197.

(2) Poems by Israel Najjara for the Various Weekly Portions of the Torah.

(3) "עשה גדל א' הרחמים, רב ברכות נשא איש" (Act with greatness, O Merciful One, the bearer of many blessings

(4) "אלה הלחנות וסיפורי של שלש כנפי שדשוה" (These are the melodies and stories of the three holy wings). (Incomplete text).

(5) "חמסין גבורי דוחן" (The mighty warriors of oppression).

(6) "תפסיר משלי סנדבר ורד לשון שיר מי" (Tafsir [commentary] on the Parables of Sandabar, rendered into poetic language).

(7) "מעשה די ירושלמי שהעתיק רבי אברהם בן ז'" (The tale of a Jerusalemite, transcribed by Rabbi Abraham ben Z.). Judeo-Persian (JP).

(8) "וס נמ" (Begins with the middle of chapter 3).

Script style/form
Total pages/folios in Manuscript 143
Illustrations No
Modern Editions
Modern Research Literature Spicehandler (1968)


Note: Could not locate in Hebrew Union College catalogue. Neither NLI nor Spicehandler's article give a year for this text.