British Library Harley 3860

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number Fr18
Location London, British Library
Siglum/Shelfmark Harley 3860
Page/Folio range 23r-47v
Standardised title of narrative Sept Sages de Rome
Incipit or textual title L'estorie de 7 sages de Roume
Version (siglum) A (Seven Sages)
Language Group within Version French Version A
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version Group W
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Text Ha
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Runte, Society of the Seven Sages Portal (2014)
Place of Manuscript Production
Date of Manuscript Production 1315 - 1350
Source of date Manuscript Production JONAS:
Material Parchment
Language of Manuscript Old French
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript Anglo-Norman
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript JONAS:
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript 1-22 (?) - Latin geneology of the kings of England and Scotland, up to 1315 (mentioned in catalogue description; not described in JONAS or Arlima)

23r-47v: L'estorie de 7 sages de Roume

48r-61v: Robert Grosseteste, Le chasteau d'amour

61v-77v: Extraits du Manuel des pechés de William of Waddington

77vb-82vb: Walter of Henley, Housebonderie

Total pages/folios in Manuscript 82
Illustrations No
Modern Editions Runte, Les sept sages de Rome: An On-Line Edition of French Version A (2006)
Modern Research Literature Runte (1971)Runte (1974)Runte, Wikeley, Farrell (1984)Speer (1981)Runte (1989)Dean and Boulton (1999)
General Notes (Internal) NOTE: Due to the BL cyber-attack, the catalogue links are down and therefore some details unavailable (JB, 3 May 2024).