Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Cod. Ross. 1144

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number Latin18
Location Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Siglum/Shelfmark Cod. Ross. 1144
Page/Folio range 86va-118va
Standardised title of narrative Historia Septem Sapientum Moralizata
Incipit or textual title Incipiunt hystorie septem sapientum secundum spiritualem intellectum Poncianus in ciuitate Romana regnauit prudens valde
Version (siglum) H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version Latin Version H
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version Group I
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Text V3
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Roth (2004)
Place of Manuscript Production
Date of Manuscript Production
Source of date Manuscript Production Roth (2004)
Material Paper
Language of Manuscript Latin
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript Teil I:

1ra-86va : Gesta Romanorum moralizata 86va-118va : Historia septem sapientum moralizata 118va-119va : index to both works 119va-vb : Latin and German sayings (Roth: "Sprüche"), one part of a moral theological tract

Teil II: 120ra-161vb : Gesta Romanorum moralizata 162r-163v : index to the Gesta Romanorum

Total pages/folios in Manuscript 164
Height 207
Width 147
Illustrations No
Modern Editions Roth, Historia Septem Sapientum (2004)
Modern Research Literature Roth (2004)
General Notes (Internal) completed by Elisabeth Böttcher


3rd reductio to >Arbor< is missing, 2nd reductio to each >Aper<, >Puteus<, >Gaza<, >Avis<, >Tentamina<, >Medicus<, >Inclusa<, >Vidua< is missing (see Roth 2004, p.38).

"Historia" clearly stands out as an independent text from the "Gesta Romanorum" (Roth 2004, p.38).

Regarding manuscript name: formerly "Lainz Jesuitenkonvent XI 2833" (see Roth 2004, p.38).

Scribe of "Teil II" is Otto Stadlau (Roth 2004, P.38).