Istanbul Şehit Ali Paşa Library 2743

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number Arabic1
Location Istanbul, Şehit Ali Paşa Library
Siglum/Shelfmark 2743
Page/Folio range 153
Standardised title of narrative
Incipit or textual title Ḥikāyat al-malik al-mutawwaj maʿa ʼmraʾat al-malik wa-ʼl-ḥakīm Sindbād wa-sabʿa al-wuzarāʾ wa-ḥikāya kull wāḥid minhum
Version (siglum) The Seven Visirs
Language Group within Version Arabic
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2)
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text) Persian?
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Ateş (1948)
Scribe Qāʾim b. ʿAbdallāh al-Sayfī Ārghūnshāh al-Julbābī
Place of Manuscript Production
Date of Manuscript Production 1535 - 1535
Source of date Manuscript Production
Material Paper
Language of Manuscript Arabic
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript
Total pages/folios in Manuscript 153
Height 180
Width 150
Illustrations No
Modern Editions Ateş (1948)
Modern Research Literature Krönung (2016)
General Notes (Internal) Entered by Ulrich Marzolph; incomplete