München Universitätsbibliothek 2° Cod. ms. 688

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number Ger9
Location München, Universitätsbibliothek
Siglum/Shelfmark München, Universitätsbibl., 2° Cod. ms. 688 (Cim. 102)
Page/Folio range 322r-369v
Standardised title of narrative Sieben weise Meister
Incipit or textual title
Version (siglum) H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version German Version H
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version Prosafassung / Prose Version
Further scholarly subgroup (1) Redaction B
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Text M
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Gerdes (1992)Gerdes (2004)
Place of Manuscript Production Germany
Date of Manuscript Production 1450 - 75
Source of date Manuscript Production Handschriftencensus 6440: https://handschriftencensus.de/6440see also Kornrumpf and Völker (1968).
Material Paper
Language of Manuscript German (High and Low German)
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript SchwäbischWestschwäbisch
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript Handschriftencensus 6440: https://handschriftencensus.de/6440see also Hommers (1968)
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript 1ra-56ra: 'Buch der Könige' (fragmentary; missing beginning)

56va-141rb: 'Prosakaiserchronik' (M2) 142ra-230va: 'Historienbibel' (Gruppe IV) 230vb-260rb: 'Brandans Meerfahrt' 261ra-274vb, 287ra-321rb: 'Lucidarius' (M10) 275ra-286vb, 322ra-396va: 'Gesta Romanorum', (German Redaction G) including 322ra-369va: 'Sieben weise Meister'

Total pages/folios in Manuscript 398
Height 266
Width 188
Illustrations No
Modern Editions
Modern Research Literature Gerdes (1992)Gerdes (2004)Hommers (1968)Kornrumpf and Völker (1968)Roth (2003)
General Notes (Internal)