Würzburg Franziskaner-Minoritenkloster Ms 115

From Seven Sages of Rome

Reference Number Latin42
Location Würzburg, Franziskaner-Minoritenkloster
Siglum/Shelfmark Ms 115
Page/Folio range 137v-170v
Standardised title of narrative Historia Septem Sapientum Moralizata
Incipit or textual title hystoris vij sapientum [val]de pulchra POncianus in vrbe Roma regnauit prudens valde
Version (siglum) H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version Latin Version H
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version Group II
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Text W1
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Roth (2004)
Place of Manuscript Production Würzburg area, Germany
Date of Manuscript Production
Source of date Manuscript Production Roth (2004)
Material Paper
Language of Manuscript Latin
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript 1r-5r : Martin von Braga (Bracara): Formula vitae honestae (with commentary)

5v-6v : blank 7r : Sermo de ascensione domini (Nota christus ascendit...) 7r-9v : Sermo de ascensione domini 10 : blank 11r-55r : Sermones de tempore et de sanctis 55v-56r : blank 56v : Qualiter Symeon interfuerit (?) processionem in die purificacionis causa est Legitur enim de Symeone quod... 57r-90v : Sermones in s. Maria 91r-108v : Sermones diversi 108v-110r : Material für Predigten (material for sermons) 110v : blank 111r-137v : Sermones und Orationes 137v-170v : Historia septem sapientum (moralizata) 172r-209v : Narrationes und Gesta Romanorum moralizata 210r-213v : blank 214r-224v : Gesta Romanorum moralizata 225r : Glossen: Crater tornatilis ein sevghorn der kinde ligones karstum fomeres pflugisen Offendiculum irrunge Criminator lasterer Susurro nochschelter 225v : Notiz (note) 226r-228r : blank 228v : note: O maria suscipe me

Total pages/folios in Manuscript 228
Height 205
Width 145
Illustrations No
Modern Editions Roth, Historia Septem Sapientum (2004)
Modern Research Literature Roth (2004)
General Notes (Internal) completed by Elisabeth Böttcher


"Historia" is marked as an independent text only by a marginal note and an initial. The reoccuring frame narrative passages are heavily cut. (For both see Roth 2004, p.66).