Engelberg Stiftsbibliothek Cod. 259

From Seven Sages of Rome
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Reference Number Latin6
Location Engelberg, Stiftsbibliothek
Siglum/Shelfmark Cod. 259
Page/Folio range 221r-245v
Standardised title of narrative Historia Septem Sapientum Moralizata
Incipit or textual title Notabile de .7. magistris et diocleciano filii Jmperatoris romanorum Poncianus in ciuitate romana regnauit prudens valde
Version (siglum) H (Historia Septem Sapientum)
Language Group within Version Latin Version H
Narrative/Scholarly Group within Version Group I
Further scholarly subgroup (1)
Further scholarly subgroup (2) Text E
Translated/adapted from (Version/Text)
Source for information on textual relationship to broader tradition Roth (2004)
Place of Manuscript Production
Date of Manuscript Production
Source of date Manuscript Production Roth (2004)
Material Paper
Language of Manuscript Latin
Regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Source for regional or specific Language of Manuscript
Prose or Verse Prose
Other texts in the Manuscript 1r-v : Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents, probably 18th/19th century)

Teil 1: 1r-8v : Calendarium sanctorum cum regulis diaeteticis 9v : Notizen (?) 10r-13r : blank 13v : ownership note from Benediktinerkloster Engelberg 14r-22va : Sermones festivales 22vb : Meßfrüchte: Prima virtus est audire missam 23ra-37va : Magister Adam: Summula de Summa Raymundi 37va : Quaeritur utrum monachus possit praefici ecclesiae parochiali an non 37vb-39va : Summula de casibus 39vb-40rb : Quaestiones ex summa confessorum lib. III tit. XXXIII, (extract) 40v-43r : Sermo de tempore 43v-46r : blank 46va : Johannes de Ratisbona: Numerus ecclesiarum quarumdam dioeccesium 46vb : Liber de amore Dei, (extract) 46vb-176v : Antonius Azaro de Parma: Postilla super evangelia dominicalia 177r-183v : blank Teil II: 184r-185v : Miracula 186r-221r : Gesta Romanorum moralizata 221r-245v : Historia septem sapientum moralizata 246ra-247va : index to the 'Gesta Romanorum' with content details, incomplete (only until fol. 209)

Total pages/folios in Manuscript I + 247
Height 295
Width 210
Illustrations No
Modern Editions Roth, Historia Septem Sapientum (2004)
Modern Research Literature Roth (2004)Gottwald (1891)
General Notes (Internal) completed by Elisabeth Böttcher


regarding 'place of manuscript production' Roth (2004, p.25) says it is unknown but suggests the Benediktinerkloster Engelberg; Incomplete text: the text stops in the middle of the page after incipit of "Vaticinium"/"Amici", missing: 3rd Reductio to "Arbor", 2nd Reductio to "Aper", 1st to "Puteus", 1st to "Gaza", 2nd to "Avis", 1st to "Tentamina", 1st to "Medicus", 1st to "Inclusa", and 2nd to "Vidua" (see Roth 2004, p.26)