Aventewr von Diocleciano

From Seven Sages of Rome

Language within Version
Narrative / Scholarly Group
Parent Versions German Version H
Child Versions
Title Aventewr von Diocleciano
Siglum of the version of the Seven Sages
Version Number
Branch of the tradition West
Adapted from (version)
Adapted into (version)
Source for composition and adaptation information
Original language of version
Translated into (languages)
Place of composition
Date of composition
Source for date of composition
Language of text
Regional or specific language of manuscript
Modern research literature
Modern Editions Gräße, Das älteste Mährchen- und Legendenbuch des christlichen Mittelalters, oder die Gesta Romanorum
General Notes (Internal)


The Aventewr von Diocleciano is contained within the broader German Gesta Romanorum tale collection (version B, by Gerdes' designation). It contains several anomalous embedded stories: Lepus, Nasus praemorsus, Praeceptum galli, Thesaurus in puteo, and Voluptaria.

Pattern of embedded stories in this version

Short Story Sequence Number Narrator Name Variations
Canis 1 Cantillus
Aper 2 Empress
Puteus 3 Lentulus
Gaza 4 Empress
Avis 5 Katho
Lepus 6 Empress
Medicus 7 Waldach
Nasus praemorsus 8 Empress
Tentamina 9 Josephas
Sapientes 10 Empress
Praeceptum galli 11 Cleophas
Thesaurus in puteo 12 Empress
Voluptaria 13 Joachim

Recorded branch of this secondary version

Circle detected when trying to insert Arabic A into the tree.

Connected manuscripts