Hebrew Group A

From Seven Sages of Rome

Language within Version Hebrew
Narrative / Scholarly Group
Parent Versions Hebrew Mishle Sendebar
Child Versions
Title משלי סנדבר (Mishle Sendebar)
Siglum of the version of the Seven Sages Mishle Sendebar
Version Number
Branch of the tradition East
Adapted from (version) Mishle Sendebar
Adapted into (version)
Source for composition and adaptation information
Original language of version
Translated into (languages) German (High and Low German)FrenchArabicEnglish
Place of composition
Date of composition
Source for date of composition
Language of text Hebrew
Regional or specific language of manuscript
Modern research literature Epstein (1967)
Modern Editions Cassel, Mischle Sindbad (Hebrew, with translation into German) (1888)Habermann, Mishle Sindbad (1946)
General Notes (Internal)


Hebrew Group A forms the basis of most scholarship on Mishle Sendebar prior to Morris Epstein's 1967 study; the editions and translations by Cassel (1888) and Habermann (1946) rely on Group A texts.

Pattern of embedded stories in this version

Short Story Sequence Number Narrator Name Variations
Leo 1 Sendebar
Avis 2
Lavator 3
Turtures 4
Catula 5
Striga and Fons 6
Canis 7
Pallium 8
Simia 9
Panes 10
Zuchara 11
Aper 12
Balneator 13
Gladius 14
Absalom Rebellus 15
Absalom Mortuus 16
Nomina 17
Iuvenis Femina 18
Gibbosi 19
Senex Caecus 20
Vulpes 21

Recorded branch of this secondary version

Circle detected when trying to insert Arabic A into the tree.

Connected manuscripts